{ "changes": [ { "host": "android", "project": "platform/tools/metalava", "branch": "metalava-main", "changeNumber": "3065002", "patchset": 1, "status": "merged", "creationTime": "1714391237000", "lastModificationTime": "1714392868000", "latestRevision": "8bc2308054fc47ab9b192d7cf61ab75a42152338", "revisions": [ { "gitRevision": "8bc2308054fc47ab9b192d7cf61ab75a42152338", "patchSet": 1, "fetchs": [ { "method": "repo", "url": "platform/tools/metalava", "ref": "refs/changes/02/3065002/1" }, { "method": "http", "url": "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/metalava", "ref": "refs/changes/02/3065002/1" } ], "commit": { "parents": [ { "commitId": "b0fbf7a31726142976aebcec74a7d69d32d1d89e", "subject": "Add tests about actual inline" } ], "author": { "name": "Paul Duffin", "email": "paulduffin@google.com" }, "committer": { "name": "Paul Duffin", "email": "paulduffin@google.com" }, "subject": "Correct the test for SDKs separate from Android dessert releases", "commitMessage": "Correct the test for SDKs separate from Android dessert releases\n\nPreviously, the test used `1000` and `1001` to represent an SDK that is\ndistinct from an Android dessert release. However, `1000000` is the\nstart of those SDKs.\n\nBug: 336993217\nTest: ./gradlew\nChange-Id: I81e45a42367288ed7a03a60435c3ec1dafc975fe\n", "bugIds": [ "336993217" ] }, "creationTime": "1714391237000", "ref": "refs/changes/02/3065002/1", "uploader": { "name": "Paul Duffin", "email": "paulduffin@google.com", "accountId": "1039338" } } ], "owner": { "name": "Paul Duffin", "email": "paulduffin@google.com" }, "changeId": "I81e45a42367288ed7a03a60435c3ec1dafc975fe", "submittedTime": "1714392868000", "projectPath": "tools/metalava" } ] }