{ "changes": [ { "host": "android", "project": "platform/frameworks/support", "creationTime": "1713376393000", "lastModificationTime": "1713376393000", "latestRevision": "774213a06fed55afe09d05fbc57a892aaebefc2f", "revisions": [ { "gitRevision": "774213a06fed55afe09d05fbc57a892aaebefc2f", "commit": { "parents": [ { "commitId": "5ceed88d11c6e7eb07f46deead68337270519642" }, { "commitId": "67d837395189bbe777a4b71a814661ed326fdcac" } ], "author": { "name": "Treehugger Robot", "email": "android-test-infra-autosubmit@system.gserviceaccount.com" }, "committer": { "name": "Gerrit Code Review", "email": "noreply-gerritcodereview@google.com" }, "subject": "Merge \"Copy minifyEnabled from release to benchmark build\" into androidx-main", "commitMessage": "Merge \"Copy minifyEnabled from release to benchmark build\" into androidx-main" } } ], "submittedTime": "1713376393000", "projectPath": "frameworks/support" }, { "host": "android", "project": "platform/frameworks/support", "branch": "androidx-main", "changeNumber": "3043077", "patchset": 2, "status": "merged", "creationTime": "1713220128000", "lastModificationTime": "1713376393000", "latestRevision": "67d837395189bbe777a4b71a814661ed326fdcac", "revisions": [ { "gitRevision": "67d837395189bbe777a4b71a814661ed326fdcac", "patchSet": 2, "fetchs": [ { "method": "repo", "url": "platform/frameworks/support", "ref": "refs/changes/77/3043077/2" }, { "method": "http", "url": "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support", "ref": "refs/changes/77/3043077/2" } ], "commit": { "parents": [ { "commitId": "8cf86ff40c4da2ab3c607f7fb1125928d4a4d143", "subject": "Merge \"Revert^2 \"[KSP2] Retain variances in Java type names\"\" into androidx-main" } ], "author": { "name": "Marcello Albano", "email": "maralb@google.com" }, "committer": { "name": "Marcello Albano", "email": "maralb@google.com" }, "subject": "Copy minifyEnabled from release to benchmark build", "commitMessage": "Copy minifyEnabled from release to benchmark build\n\nCurrently the benchmark build type sets minifyEnabled property to true,\neven if the `release` base build type has it set to false. Has a result\nthe benchmark build type can sometimes fail if the proguard\nconfiguration is not specified with needed keep rules.\n\nTest: ./gradlew :benchmark:benchmark-baseline-profile-gradle-plugin:test\nBug: 331680205\nChange-Id: Ifcd414b127860643d4807c798224488c5bc8f192\n", "bugIds": [ "331680205" ] }, "creationTime": "1713306771000", "ref": "refs/changes/77/3043077/2", "uploader": { "name": "Marcello Albano", "email": "maralb@google.com", "accountId": "1797720" } } ], "owner": { "name": "Marcello Albano", "email": "maralb@google.com" }, "changeId": "Ifcd414b127860643d4807c798224488c5bc8f192", "submittedTime": "1713376393000", "projectPath": "frameworks/support" } ] }