{ "changes": [ { "host": "android", "project": "platform/frameworks/support", "creationTime": "1713441095000", "lastModificationTime": "1713441095000", "latestRevision": "cb8fc97ce7db701d5556baa732c68d2c168da85c", "revisions": [ { "gitRevision": "cb8fc97ce7db701d5556baa732c68d2c168da85c", "commit": { "parents": [ { "commitId": "6a9e6f4577c09da3629b561b9108192b8434b8ad" }, { "commitId": "a8cbea1ac4a27a47e6cf80486f9e92389be4e248" } ], "author": { "name": "Tiger Huang", "email": "tigerhuang@google.com" }, "committer": { "name": "Gerrit Code Review", "email": "noreply-gerritcodereview@google.com" }, "subject": "Merge \"Don't fit action bar if decorFitsSystemWindows is false\" into androidx-ma", "commitMessage": "Merge \"Don't fit action bar if decorFitsSystemWindows is false\" into androidx-main" } } ], "submittedTime": "1713441095000", "projectPath": "frameworks/support" }, { "host": "android", "project": "platform/frameworks/support", "branch": "androidx-main", "changeNumber": "3040533", "patchset": 5, "status": "merged", "creationTime": "1712933226000", "lastModificationTime": "1713441095000", "latestRevision": "a8cbea1ac4a27a47e6cf80486f9e92389be4e248", "revisions": [ { "gitRevision": "a8cbea1ac4a27a47e6cf80486f9e92389be4e248", "patchSet": 5, "fetchs": [ { "method": "repo", "url": "platform/frameworks/support", "ref": "refs/changes/33/3040533/5" }, { "method": "http", "url": "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support", "ref": "refs/changes/33/3040533/5" } ], "commit": { "parents": [ { "commitId": "bd0b455de452d7688ace5d64b52f85890b0c0de5", "subject": "Merge \"Change deprecation level of KeyboardOptions.copy\" into androidx-main" } ], "author": { "name": "Tiger", "email": "tigerhuang@google.com" }, "committer": { "name": "Tiger", "email": "tigerhuang@google.com" }, "subject": "Don't fit action bar if decorFitsSystemWindows is false", "commitMessage": "Don't fit action bar if decorFitsSystemWindows is false\n\nIf decorFitsSystemWindows is false, the content view should not fit any\nsystem bars, including action bar. And the content view should get\ninsets from all the system bars.\n\nBug: 218827628\nTest: ./gradlew core:core:cC\nTest: ./gradlew appcompat:appcompat:cC\nChange-Id: Ie7f55083cef92560ba9f175d1d0b70590c6041d5\n", "bugIds": [ "218827628" ] }, "creationTime": "1713350661000", "ref": "refs/changes/33/3040533/5", "uploader": { "name": "Tiger Huang", "email": "tigerhuang@google.com", "accountId": "1348425" } } ], "owner": { "name": "Tiger Huang", "email": "tigerhuang@google.com" }, "changeId": "Ie7f55083cef92560ba9f175d1d0b70590c6041d5", "submittedTime": "1713441095000", "projectPath": "frameworks/support" } ] }