MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,219 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 299 - SourceFetcher __init__ '/buildbot/git' '/buildbot/src' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,220 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config --global google.gitSecretsHook false'] from /buildbot. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,242 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,243 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 372 - SourceFetcher: Init MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,243 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/manifest' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,243 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/manifest' u'' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,244 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,264 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,265 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,265 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpfQHqIE*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,287 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,287 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,308 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,308 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 778 - SourceFetcher: Reading Manifests. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,309 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,309 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 827 - Creating manifest project symlink: /buildbot/tmp/tmp_buildbot_manifestTTnt7r/.git MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,330 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,331 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f dc5adc59b2f8a93b19e0a8bf313d87f04a2b1a88'] from /buildbot/tmp/tmp_buildbot_manifestTTnt7r. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,331 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git return code 0. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,353 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,354 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,354 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f dc5adc59b2f8a93b19e0a8bf313d87f04a2b1a88'] from /buildbot/tmp/tmp_buildbot_manifestTTnt7r return code 0. HEAD is now at dc5adc59b2 Remove sdk 29 from manifest. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,375 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,375 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git return code 0. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,872 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 404 - Cleaning tree start '/buildbot/tmp/tmpOuoGYk' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,873 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 680 - Removing dir u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platforms' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,873 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 680 - Removing dir u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/sources' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,873 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 708 - Removing u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/.knownPackages' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,874 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 409 - Cleaning tree done 4 took 0 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,874 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 411 - SourceFetcher: ### Sync start. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,874 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 708 - Removing u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/LAST_USED' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,874 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,875 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,877 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/androidx/external' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,880 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/external/icu' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,889 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,899 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,906 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,910 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/checkstyle' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,923 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/external/dokka' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,937 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/frameworks/support' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,956 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/external/webview_support_interfaces' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,963 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,998 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,024 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/external/noto-fonts' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,057 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/build' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,095 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/protobuf' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,120 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,166 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,195 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/frameworks/support-golden' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,236 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/manifest' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,283 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,335 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/external/icing' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,407 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/external/protobuf' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,471 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/tools/repohooks' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,540 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/tools/external/gradle' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,598 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,656 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 821 - _GetGitProjectLock u'platform/external/doclava' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,101 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,253 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,261 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/androidx/external MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,293 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,374 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,413 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/external/icu MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,451 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,515 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/checkstyle MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,676 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/external/dokka MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,709 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/external/webview_support_interfaces MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,726 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,756 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/external/noto-fonts MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,779 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/build MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,789 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,811 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/protobuf MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,832 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/frameworks/support MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,839 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,843 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,858 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/frameworks/support-golden MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,871 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,875 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/manifest MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,877 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/external/icing MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,878 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/tools/repohooks MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,879 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/external/protobuf MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,885 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/external/doclava MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,885 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,885 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 458 - SourceFetcher: Single project sync finish platform/tools/external/gradle MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,886 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 421 - projects_to_sync_again: set([]) MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,886 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 425 - SourceFetcher: ### Sync done. MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,289 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 504 - WriteRepoConfig '/buildbot/dist_dirs/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_snapshot/6848352/repo.prop' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,289 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 522 - WriteAppliedConfig '/buildbot/dist_dirs/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_snapshot/6848352/applied.prop' MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,290 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 544 - GenerateManifestXML MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,295 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 185 - Handling LinkFile src=../../fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30 dest=/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platforms/android-30 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,295 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 549 - SourceFetcher: ### copyfile and movefile MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,296 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 185 - Handling LinkFile src=../../fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30 dest=/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/sources/android-30 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,296 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 189 - Linking ../../fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30 to /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platforms/android-30 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,296 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 189 - Linking ../../fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30 to /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/sources/android-30 MainThread - 2020-09-19 03:30:01,296 - INFO - 140153721272128 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 552 - SourceFetcher: ### Sync finish. Thread-9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,531 - INFO - 140153561188096 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 Thread-9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,532 - INFO - 140153561188096 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u"gsutil -m -h Content-Type:text/plain cp '/buildbot/dist_dirs/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_test_changed_apks/6848393/ui/gradle.log' gs://android-build/builds/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_test_changed_apks/6848393/6f6bb887f01c31fc94cd4e5f1596f67b81d2b925f805c398d67cbaa4d9c99ac8/ui/"] from /buildbot. Thread-9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,731 - INFO - 140153561188096 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 Thread-9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,772 - INFO - 140153561188096 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u"gsutil -m cp '/buildbot/dist_dirs/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_test_changed_apks/6848393/ui/apks/placeholder-tests_placeholder-tests-debug-androidTest.apk' gs://android-build/builds/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_test_changed_apks/6848393/6f6bb887f01c31fc94cd4e5f1596f67b81d2b925f805c398d67cbaa4d9c99ac8/ui/apks/"] from /buildbot. Thread-9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,259 - INFO - 140153561188096 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 Thread-9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,300 - INFO - 140153561188096 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u"gsutil -m cp '/buildbot/dist_dirs/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_test_changed_apks/6848393/apks/placeholder-tests_placeholder-tests-debug-androidTest.apk' gs://android-build/builds/aosp-androidx-master-dev-linux-androidx_test_changed_apks/6848393/6f6bb887f01c31fc94cd4e5f1596f67b81d2b925f805c398d67cbaa4d9c99ac8/apks/"] from /buildbot. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,875 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3, prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,876 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3' u'' source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,877 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,906 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,919 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmptJd8Or*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,931 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,032 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,056 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,250 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,267 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git' source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,276 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 2d89707a7cc994d40bd4c20b3cb42cf5a87e983a^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,533 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,550 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 2d89707a7cc994d40bd4c20b3cb42cf5a87e983a^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git return code 0. 2d89707a7cc994d40bd4c20b3cb42cf5a87e983a source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,560 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3' source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,575 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3] path=prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'notdefault', 'platform-linux']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,600 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3'. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,627 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,896 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,924 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,965 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 2d89707a7cc994d40bd4c20b3cb42cf5a87e983a'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,191 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,221 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 2d89707a7cc994d40bd4c20b3cb42cf5a87e983a'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3 return code 0. HEAD is now at 2d89707 Adds prebuilts for build tools 29.0.3 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,277 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,558 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,599 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3 return code 0. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,627 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,897 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,947 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,999 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3' source_fetcher-1__0 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,036 - INFO - 140151518897920 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/build-tools/29.0.3. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,877 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86, prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,878 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86' u'' source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,879 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,923 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,942 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpYrk1EW*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,959 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,067 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,099 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,310 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,333 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git' source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,344 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify de5fa1c66d3bdcbf2bbc62d2504ec6b0b0fb74e1^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,601 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,641 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify de5fa1c66d3bdcbf2bbc62d2504ec6b0b0fb74e1^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git return code 0. de5fa1c66d3bdcbf2bbc62d2504ec6b0b0fb74e1 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,683 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake' source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,709 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86] path=prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake, revision=de5fa1c66d3bdcbf2bbc62d2504ec6b0b0fb74e1, groups=frozenset(['all', 'notdefault', 'platform-linux']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,718 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake'. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,737 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,014 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,094 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,145 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f de5fa1c66d3bdcbf2bbc62d2504ec6b0b0fb74e1'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,375 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,409 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f de5fa1c66d3bdcbf2bbc62d2504ec6b0b0fb74e1'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake return code 0. HEAD is now at de5fa1c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/cmake-master-dev' into master source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,459 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,758 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,818 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake return code 0. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,843 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,050 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,094 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,168 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/cmake' source_fetcher-1__1 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,196 - INFO - 140153076066048 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,962 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/external/webview_support_interfaces, external/webview_support_interfaces. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,989 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/external/webview_support_interfaces' u'' source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,996 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,161 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,178 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpIEMEfO*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,189 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,432 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,443 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,709 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,724 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git' source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,738 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 021571f9ab2fb3cf7c162fa43f2a6329dcda89b4^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,023 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,098 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 021571f9ab2fb3cf7c162fa43f2a6329dcda89b4^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git return code 0. 021571f9ab2fb3cf7c162fa43f2a6329dcda89b4 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,153 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/webview_support_interfaces' source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,206 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/external/webview_support_interfaces] path=external/webview_support_interfaces, revision=021571f9ab2fb3cf7c162fa43f2a6329dcda89b4, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,242 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/webview_support_interfaces'. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,306 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,595 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,621 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,660 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 021571f9ab2fb3cf7c162fa43f2a6329dcda89b4'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/webview_support_interfaces. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,922 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,987 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 021571f9ab2fb3cf7c162fa43f2a6329dcda89b4'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/webview_support_interfaces return code 0. HEAD is now at 021571f Code inclusion: add setSafeBrowsingAllowlist boundary interface source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,030 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/webview_support_interfaces. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,297 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,347 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/webview_support_interfaces return code 0. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,358 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,511 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,544 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/webview_support_interfaces.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,581 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/webview_support_interfaces' source_fetcher-1__10 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,628 - INFO - 140152064161536 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/external/webview_support_interfaces. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,007 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11, prebuilts/jdk/jdk11. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,021 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11' u'' source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,035 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,212 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,227 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpe91O1S*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,238 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,505 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,525 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,793 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,845 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git' source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,887 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 671f6a7cab9a313c08d1925b46264786c93feb5f^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,104 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,180 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 671f6a7cab9a313c08d1925b46264786c93feb5f^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git return code 0. 671f6a7cab9a313c08d1925b46264786c93feb5f source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,212 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11' source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,245 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11] path=prebuilts/jdk/jdk11, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,338 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11'. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,379 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,661 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,715 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,744 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 671f6a7cab9a313c08d1925b46264786c93feb5f'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,997 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,033 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 671f6a7cab9a313c08d1925b46264786c93feb5f'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11 return code 0. HEAD is now at 671f6a7 Switch to JDK build 11.0.4+0-6508549 am: 4b776e23b6 am: e4fb089b45 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,059 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,331 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,356 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11 return code 0. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,385 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,514 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,553 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,583 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11' source_fetcher-1__11 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,628 - INFO - 140151552468736 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk11. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,023 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal, prebuilts/androidx/internal. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,050 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal' u'' source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,066 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,258 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,270 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpa_zjEN*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,285 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,554 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,568 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,819 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,877 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git' source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,915 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify af612e3ba7a529aba37bc3479e0599b35b7c3a3e^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,150 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,211 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify af612e3ba7a529aba37bc3479e0599b35b7c3a3e^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git return code 0. af612e3ba7a529aba37bc3479e0599b35b7c3a3e source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,245 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/internal' source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,325 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal] path=prebuilts/androidx/internal, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,377 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/internal'. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,408 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,716 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,781 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,827 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f af612e3ba7a529aba37bc3479e0599b35b7c3a3e'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/internal. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,064 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,103 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f af612e3ba7a529aba37bc3479e0599b35b7c3a3e'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/internal return code 0. HEAD is now at af612e3ba Merge "Import prebuilts from build 6826413" into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,138 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/internal. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,417 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,457 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/internal return code 0. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,508 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,657 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,683 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,710 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/internal' source_fetcher-1__12 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,732 - INFO - 140152072554240 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/androidx/internal. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,059 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/external/noto-fonts, external/noto-fonts. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,083 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/external/noto-fonts' u'' source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,100 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,287 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,327 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpEByYY2 remote.partner-android.url= remote.partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/partner-android/* remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-partner-android/**:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* remote.googleplex-android.url= remote.googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-android/* remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-googleplex-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,337 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,596 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,634 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,912 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,949 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git' source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,991 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify c5de3c1fb1ad5c0c21b0f2ac593b3016092f06c4^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,205 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,242 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify c5de3c1fb1ad5c0c21b0f2ac593b3016092f06c4^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git return code 0. c5de3c1fb1ad5c0c21b0f2ac593b3016092f06c4 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,316 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/noto-fonts' source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,369 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/external/noto-fonts] path=external/noto-fonts, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,387 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/noto-fonts'. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,440 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,743 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,806 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,832 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f c5de3c1fb1ad5c0c21b0f2ac593b3016092f06c4'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/noto-fonts. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,035 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,067 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f c5de3c1fb1ad5c0c21b0f2ac593b3016092f06c4'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/noto-fonts return code 0. HEAD is now at c5de3c1 Merge "Minor updates to emoji font creation" into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,104 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/noto-fonts. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,378 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,430 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/noto-fonts return code 0. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,482 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,633 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,641 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/noto-fonts.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,665 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/noto-fonts' source_fetcher-1__13 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,677 - INFO - 140153067673344 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/external/noto-fonts. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,094 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/build, build/make. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,100 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/build' u'' source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,105 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,349 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,365 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpyhbOV1*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,380 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,611 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,651 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,929 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,985 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/build.git' source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,038 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7d1079d4b7853819c0b8332d10a48c8815810de3^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,241 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,316 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7d1079d4b7853819c0b8332d10a48c8815810de3^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git return code 0. 7d1079d4b7853819c0b8332d10a48c8815810de3 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,371 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/build/make' source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,388 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/build] path=build/make, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['default', 'all']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,454 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/build/make'. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,496 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,793 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,831 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,857 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7d1079d4b7853819c0b8332d10a48c8815810de3'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/build/make. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,066 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,104 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7d1079d4b7853819c0b8332d10a48c8815810de3'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/build/make return code 0. HEAD is now at 7d1079d4b7 Merge "Add" into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,170 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/build/make. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,396 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,433 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/build/make return code 0. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,497 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,640 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,675 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/build.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,708 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/build/make' source_fetcher-1__14 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,716 - INFO - 140152097732352 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/build. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,131 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/protobuf, prebuilts/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,148 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/protobuf' u'' source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,170 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,395 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,410 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpw_82yo*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,419 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,710 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,733 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,006 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,068 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git' source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,119 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7f770bcfc83d43216b156d29c38a833a51e4c7e6^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,384 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,442 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7f770bcfc83d43216b156d29c38a833a51e4c7e6^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git return code 0. 7f770bcfc83d43216b156d29c38a833a51e4c7e6 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,484 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/protobuf' source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,527 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/protobuf] path=prebuilts/protobuf, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk-fs']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,570 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/protobuf'. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,612 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,869 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,915 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,954 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7f770bcfc83d43216b156d29c38a833a51e4c7e6'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,250 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,263 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7f770bcfc83d43216b156d29c38a833a51e4c7e6'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/protobuf return code 0. HEAD is now at 7f770bc Commit protoc 3.9.1 prebuilts from github. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,276 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,421 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,481 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/protobuf return code 0. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,516 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,673 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,706 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/protobuf.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,715 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/protobuf' source_fetcher-1__15 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,746 - INFO - 140152080946944 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,179 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8, prebuilts/jdk/jdk8. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,190 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8' u'' source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,200 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,434 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,463 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmp1fULS3*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,495 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,740 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,794 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,043 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,109 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git' source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,177 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify fe743aa0d39ef9bab51c612a957acdd4588d069c^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,386 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,446 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify fe743aa0d39ef9bab51c612a957acdd4588d069c^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git return code 0. fe743aa0d39ef9bab51c612a957acdd4588d069c source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,495 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8' source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,531 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8] path=prebuilts/jdk/jdk8, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,568 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8'. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,603 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,869 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,916 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,953 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f fe743aa0d39ef9bab51c612a957acdd4588d069c'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,259 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,268 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f fe743aa0d39ef9bab51c612a957acdd4588d069c'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8 return code 0. HEAD is now at fe743aa Update JDK prebuilts source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,293 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,459 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,513 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8 return code 0. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,536 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,721 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,757 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,779 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8' source_fetcher-1__16 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,797 - INFO - 140150982027008 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/jdk/jdk8. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,214 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools, prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,229 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools' u'' source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,247 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,477 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,520 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpxtDAlX*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,536 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,791 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,841 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,081 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,143 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git' source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,201 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 9d9ea7f9e0c153cee4e56fa8067639015758842b^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,388 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,467 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 9d9ea7f9e0c153cee4e56fa8067639015758842b^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git return code 0. 9d9ea7f9e0c153cee4e56fa8067639015758842b source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,505 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools' source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,553 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools] path=prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'notdefault', 'platform-linux']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,582 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools'. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,617 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,879 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,934 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,997 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 9d9ea7f9e0c153cee4e56fa8067639015758842b'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,291 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,328 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 9d9ea7f9e0c153cee4e56fa8067639015758842b'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools return code 0. HEAD is now at 9d9ea7f Update platform-tools to 30.0.4 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,354 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,507 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,530 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools return code 0. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,562 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,736 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,770 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,783 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools' source_fetcher-1__17 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,804 - INFO - 140152055768832 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/platform-tools. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,271 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/frameworks/support-golden, golden. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,286 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/frameworks/support-golden' u'' source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,309 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,583 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,609 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmppBzLYt*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,643 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,916 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,964 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,176 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,214 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git' source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,267 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 216e7f64aa2041335e833310ac94d1500079538c^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,560 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,616 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 216e7f64aa2041335e833310ac94d1500079538c^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git return code 0. 216e7f64aa2041335e833310ac94d1500079538c source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,645 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/golden' source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,672 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/frameworks/support-golden] path=golden, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,713 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/golden'. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,742 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,993 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,031 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,058 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 216e7f64aa2041335e833310ac94d1500079538c'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/golden. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,346 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,359 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 216e7f64aa2041335e833310ac94d1500079538c'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/golden return code 0. HEAD is now at 216e7f6 Desktop Paragraph tests fix source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,411 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/golden. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,532 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,580 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/golden return code 0. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,623 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,749 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,778 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support-golden.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,793 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/golden' source_fetcher-1__18 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,813 - INFO - 140151535683328 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/frameworks/support-golden. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,326 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/manifest, manifest. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,332 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/manifest' u'' source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,348 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,624 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,660 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpfQHqIE*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,706 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,958 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,010 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,246 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,339 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git' source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,382 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify dc5adc59b2f8a93b19e0a8bf313d87f04a2b1a88^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,686 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,726 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify dc5adc59b2f8a93b19e0a8bf313d87f04a2b1a88^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git return code 0. dc5adc59b2f8a93b19e0a8bf313d87f04a2b1a88 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,780 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/manifest' source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,824 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/manifest] path=manifest, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['default', 'all']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,855 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/manifest'. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,898 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,136 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,198 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,233 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f dc5adc59b2f8a93b19e0a8bf313d87f04a2b1a88'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/manifest. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,416 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,480 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f dc5adc59b2f8a93b19e0a8bf313d87f04a2b1a88'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/manifest return code 0. HEAD is now at dc5adc59b2 Remove sdk 29 from manifest. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,515 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/manifest. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,699 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,713 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/manifest return code 0. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,742 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,816 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,838 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/manifest.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,842 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/manifest' source_fetcher-1__19 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,844 - INFO - 140149925070592 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/manifest. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,880 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/androidx/external, prebuilts/androidx/external. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,882 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/androidx/external' u'' source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,889 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,951 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,961 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpq1EePy*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,990 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,112 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,137 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,362 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,382 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git' source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,394 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify d7a64e53ef247acf96252f5383d501037f4cd589^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,649 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,701 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify d7a64e53ef247acf96252f5383d501037f4cd589^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git return code 0. d7a64e53ef247acf96252f5383d501037f4cd589 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,713 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/external' source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,735 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/androidx/external] path=prebuilts/androidx/external, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,773 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/external'. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,809 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,097 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,149 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,204 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f d7a64e53ef247acf96252f5383d501037f4cd589'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/external. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,481 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,525 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f d7a64e53ef247acf96252f5383d501037f4cd589'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/external return code 0. HEAD is now at d7a64e53 Merge "Remove dokka 1.4.10-dev-64 prebuilts" into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,558 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/external. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,848 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,879 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/external return code 0. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,929 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,139 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,213 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/external.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,234 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/external' source_fetcher-1__2 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,242 - INFO - 140153515865856 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/androidx/external. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,363 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools, prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,378 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools' u'' source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,388 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,642 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,700 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpdBqqS9*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,711 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,967 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,037 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,243 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,326 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git' source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,378 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 2d5e66a40bd1e6d43ee458efea6f1dd5d5166a59^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,653 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,686 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 2d5e66a40bd1e6d43ee458efea6f1dd5d5166a59^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git return code 0. 2d5e66a40bd1e6d43ee458efea6f1dd5d5166a59 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,717 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools' source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,768 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools] path=prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'notdefault', 'platform-linux']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,815 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools'. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,839 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,030 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,057 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,081 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 2d5e66a40bd1e6d43ee458efea6f1dd5d5166a59'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,357 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,408 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 2d5e66a40bd1e6d43ee458efea6f1dd5d5166a59'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools return code 0. HEAD is now at 2d5e66a Import Android SDK Tools (revision: 26.1.1) source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,439 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,578 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,629 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools return code 0. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,639 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,745 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,783 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,806 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools' source_fetcher-1__20 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,822 - INFO - 140151560861440 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/tools. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,433 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/external/icing, external/icing. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,444 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/external/icing' u'' source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,467 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,734 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,771 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpp07lpJ remote.partner-android.url= remote.partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/partner-android/* remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-partner-android/* remote.googleplex-android.url= remote.googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-android/* remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-googleplex-android/**:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,802 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,060 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,118 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,371 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,403 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git' source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,458 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 04d376669226fc7bc4bf32c64e753b53de8f1b68^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,735 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,792 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 04d376669226fc7bc4bf32c64e753b53de8f1b68^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git return code 0. 04d376669226fc7bc4bf32c64e753b53de8f1b68 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,828 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icing' source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,856 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/external/icing] path=external/icing, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,909 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icing'. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,951 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,251 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,263 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,278 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 04d376669226fc7bc4bf32c64e753b53de8f1b68'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icing. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,456 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,509 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 04d376669226fc7bc4bf32c64e753b53de8f1b68'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icing return code 0. HEAD is now at 04d3766 Strip .proto files from appsearch proto-lite dependency using jar task source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,534 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icing. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,714 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,744 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icing return code 0. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,771 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,835 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,843 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icing.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,852 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icing' source_fetcher-1__21 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,868 - INFO - 140149941856000 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/external/icing. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,519 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/external/protobuf, external/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,531 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/external/protobuf' u'' source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,539 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,801 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,863 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmp3MHro8 remote.googleplex-android.url= remote.googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-android/* remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-googleplex-android/**:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* remote.googleplex-hammersmith-android.url= remote.googleplex-hammersmith-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-hammersmith-android/* remote.partner-android.url= remote.partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/partner-android/* remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-partner-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,908 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,115 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,185 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,417 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,472 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git' source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,513 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify b0e0d998d2f175a586e48b01d39761e4fceaf662^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,813 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,845 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify b0e0d998d2f175a586e48b01d39761e4fceaf662^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git return code 0. b0e0d998d2f175a586e48b01d39761e4fceaf662 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,872 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/protobuf' source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,917 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/external/protobuf] path=external/protobuf, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,969 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/protobuf'. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,015 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,321 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,349 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,359 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f b0e0d998d2f175a586e48b01d39761e4fceaf662'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,514 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,563 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f b0e0d998d2f175a586e48b01d39761e4fceaf662'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/protobuf return code 0. HEAD is now at b0e0d998d Merge changes Ic235469e,I1a1be361,I9121b112 into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,589 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,738 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,760 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/protobuf return code 0. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,785 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,854 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,871 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/protobuf.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,874 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/protobuf' source_fetcher-1__22 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,876 - INFO - 140149388199680 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/external/protobuf. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,566 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/tools/repohooks, tools/repohooks. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,581 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/tools/repohooks' u'' source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,600 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,855 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,913 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpDWhbPp*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,943 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,161 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,210 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,443 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,503 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git' source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,535 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 573d316aa2a01cb56c8c707f7fc655e6ecc1db2a^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,828 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,854 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 573d316aa2a01cb56c8c707f7fc655e6ecc1db2a^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git return code 0. 573d316aa2a01cb56c8c707f7fc655e6ecc1db2a source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,895 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/repohooks' source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,933 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/tools/repohooks] path=tools/repohooks, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'cts', 'adt-infra', 'tradefed', 'eclipse', 'motodev', 'pdk', 'tools']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,998 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/repohooks'. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,034 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,323 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,356 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,395 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 573d316aa2a01cb56c8c707f7fc655e6ecc1db2a'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/repohooks. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,521 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,569 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 573d316aa2a01cb56c8c707f7fc655e6ecc1db2a'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/repohooks return code 0. HEAD is now at 573d316 hooks: support Python 3.6 for ExclusionScope source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,604 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/repohooks. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,739 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,761 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/repohooks return code 0. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,780 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,841 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,845 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/repohooks.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,866 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/repohooks' source_fetcher-1__23 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,871 - INFO - 140149950248704 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/tools/repohooks. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,640 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/tools/external/gradle, tools/external/gradle. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,680 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/tools/external/gradle' u'' source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,707 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,963 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,010 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpdxFFL3*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,073 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,277 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,353 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,639 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,689 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git' source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,739 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify e37f82bd43f48123fe84d49336b32933fcdbcd66^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,985 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,031 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify e37f82bd43f48123fe84d49336b32933fcdbcd66^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git return code 0. e37f82bd43f48123fe84d49336b32933fcdbcd66 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,056 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/external/gradle' source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,069 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/tools/external/gradle] path=tools/external/gradle, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'tools']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,129 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/external/gradle'. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,171 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,408 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,442 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,501 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f e37f82bd43f48123fe84d49336b32933fcdbcd66'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/external/gradle. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,670 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,702 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f e37f82bd43f48123fe84d49336b32933fcdbcd66'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/external/gradle return code 0. HEAD is now at e37f82b Merge "Add Gradle 6.5.1 prebuilts" into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,714 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/external/gradle. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,795 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,831 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/external/gradle return code 0. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,838 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,881 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,882 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/tools/external/gradle.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,883 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/tools/external/gradle' source_fetcher-1__24 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,884 - INFO - 140149916677888 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/tools/external/gradle. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,695 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30, prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,710 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30' u'' source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,721 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,985 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,054 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmprk37Sz*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,108 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,320 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,381 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,696 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,740 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git' source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,795 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 03d553bc2b9890601943a4e04e02202337eb1af7^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,001 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,040 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 03d553bc2b9890601943a4e04e02202337eb1af7^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git return code 0. 03d553bc2b9890601943a4e04e02202337eb1af7 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,065 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30' source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,099 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30] path=prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['default', 'all']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,169 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30'. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,215 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,407 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,440 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,503 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 03d553bc2b9890601943a4e04e02202337eb1af7'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,637 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,645 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 03d553bc2b9890601943a4e04e02202337eb1af7'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30 return code 0. HEAD is now at 03d553b Automatic SDK prebuilt dropoff on 2020-06-10 18:32:38.095706 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,669 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,787 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,812 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30 return code 0. Removing package.xml source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,833 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,878 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,880 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,882 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/platforms/android-30' source_fetcher-1__25 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,883 - INFO - 140150436763392 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/platforms/android-30. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,757 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/external/doclava, external/doclava. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,794 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/external/doclava' u'' source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,844 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,068 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,133 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpMjFPrd*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,201 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,438 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,494 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,789 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,829 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git' source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,852 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 6ec83c725892e17e327e1480c1781a89964b7118^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,057 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,086 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 6ec83c725892e17e327e1480c1781a89964b7118^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git return code 0. 6ec83c725892e17e327e1480c1781a89964b7118 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,137 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/doclava' source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,187 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/external/doclava] path=external/doclava, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,229 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/doclava'. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,240 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,419 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,459 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,509 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 6ec83c725892e17e327e1480c1781a89964b7118'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/doclava. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,666 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,698 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 6ec83c725892e17e327e1480c1781a89964b7118'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/doclava return code 0. HEAD is now at 6ec83c7 Mark Android R (rvc-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor@6692709) as merged source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,711 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/doclava. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,782 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,804 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/doclava return code 0. Removing .gradle/ source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,816 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,876 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,878 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/doclava.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,880 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/doclava' source_fetcher-1__26 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,881 - INFO - 140153104365312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/external/doclava. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,888 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/external/icu, external/icu. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,897 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/external/icu' u'' source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,902 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,963 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,995 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpjz3VOs remote.googleplex-hammersmith-android.url= remote.googleplex-hammersmith-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-hammersmith-android/* remote.partner-android.url= remote.partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/partner-android/* remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-partner-android/**:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* remote.googleplex-android.url= remote.googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-android/* remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-googleplex-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,006 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,145 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,170 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,412 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,431 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git' source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,442 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7322950a8b1548571ed8c5eb52f6773ba91f6661^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,728 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,760 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7322950a8b1548571ed8c5eb52f6773ba91f6661^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git return code 0. 7322950a8b1548571ed8c5eb52f6773ba91f6661 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,801 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icu' source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,851 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/external/icu] path=external/icu, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,907 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icu'. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,926 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,133 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,203 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,232 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7322950a8b1548571ed8c5eb52f6773ba91f6661'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icu. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,546 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,584 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7322950a8b1548571ed8c5eb52f6773ba91f6661'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icu return code 0. HEAD is now at 7322950a8 Add CtsIcu4cTestCases for ICU4C API coverage - Attempt 2 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,616 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icu. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,878 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,931 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icu return code 0. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,990 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,264 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,294 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/icu.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,330 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/icu' source_fetcher-1__3 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,355 - INFO - 140153050887936 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/external/icu. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,900 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21, prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,904 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21' u'' source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,908 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,991 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,007 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpXWaBbW*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,022 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,183 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,194 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,428 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,441 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git' source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,461 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 01c46f37e7a0ce88be386708d2a911b5e3505e79^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,712 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,737 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 01c46f37e7a0ce88be386708d2a911b5e3505e79^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git return code 0. 01c46f37e7a0ce88be386708d2a911b5e3505e79 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,780 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk' source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,816 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21] path=prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'notdefault', 'platform-linux']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,875 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk'. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,913 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,130 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,194 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,218 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 01c46f37e7a0ce88be386708d2a911b5e3505e79'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,474 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,529 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 01c46f37e7a0ce88be386708d2a911b5e3505e79'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk return code 0. HEAD is now at 01c46f3 Add NDK r21 to prebuilts source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,560 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,852 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,879 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk return code 0. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,932 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,216 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,241 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,256 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-linux/ndk' source_fetcher-1__4 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,265 - INFO - 140152676534016 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for toolchain/prebuilts/ndk/r21. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,906 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer, prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,918 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer' u'' source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,925 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,009 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,036 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpIR04vX*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,055 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,219 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,249 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,528 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,539 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git' source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,554 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 8759893b15627e09a76140ae550f478c782d3387^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,786 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,837 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 8759893b15627e09a76140ae550f478c782d3387^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git return code 0. 8759893b15627e09a76140ae550f478c782d3387 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,874 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer' source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,913 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer] path=prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,956 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer'. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,994 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,224 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,287 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,351 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 8759893b15627e09a76140ae550f478c782d3387'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,607 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,647 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 8759893b15627e09a76140ae550f478c782d3387'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer return code 0. HEAD is now at 8759893 Merge "Update exoplayer prebuilt" into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,676 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,934 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,001 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer return code 0. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,037 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,321 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,353 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,362 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer' source_fetcher-1__5 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,414 - INFO - 140152668141312 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/androidx/exoplayer. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,915 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30, prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,922 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30' u'' source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,932 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,996 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,019 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpIcgsp6*:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,034 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,204 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,210 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,436 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,470 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git' source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,498 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 3da604b8524188eb6965fc43d22d6b4bfd7bd6b3^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,759 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,803 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 3da604b8524188eb6965fc43d22d6b4bfd7bd6b3^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git return code 0. 3da604b8524188eb6965fc43d22d6b4bfd7bd6b3 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,873 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30' source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,909 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30] path=prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['default', 'all']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,941 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30'. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,971 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,199 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,230 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,278 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 3da604b8524188eb6965fc43d22d6b4bfd7bd6b3'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,581 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,618 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 3da604b8524188eb6965fc43d22d6b4bfd7bd6b3'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30 return code 0. HEAD is now at 3da604b8 Automatic sources dropoff on 2020-06-10 18:32:38.095721 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,660 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,903 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,949 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30 return code 0. Removing package.xml source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,002 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,262 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,277 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,299 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/fullsdk-darwin/sources/android-30' source_fetcher-1__6 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,344 - INFO - 140152659748608 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/fullsdk/sources/android-30. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,924 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/prebuilts/checkstyle, prebuilts/checkstyle. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,941 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/prebuilts/checkstyle' u'' source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,957 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,055 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,081 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmpxb5Oxu remote.googleplex-hammersmith-android.url= remote.googleplex-hammersmith-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-hammersmith-android/* remote.partner-android.url= remote.partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/partner-android/* remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-partner-android/* remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-partner-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-partner-android/**:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* remote.googleplex-android.url= remote.googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-android/* remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-googleplex-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,097 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,278 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,306 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,558 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,584 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git' source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,612 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 9a3581ccecbb8918131aee21ed5553f2de9da043^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,883 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,917 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 9a3581ccecbb8918131aee21ed5553f2de9da043^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git return code 0. 9a3581ccecbb8918131aee21ed5553f2de9da043 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,965 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/checkstyle' source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,011 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/prebuilts/checkstyle] path=prebuilts/checkstyle, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk-fs']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,080 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/checkstyle'. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,126 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,340 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,381 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,434 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 9a3581ccecbb8918131aee21ed5553f2de9da043'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/checkstyle. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,725 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,770 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 9a3581ccecbb8918131aee21ed5553f2de9da043'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/checkstyle return code 0. HEAD is now at 9a3581c Merge Android R source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,819 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/checkstyle. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,028 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,054 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/checkstyle return code 0. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,067 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,356 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,389 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/prebuilts/checkstyle.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,418 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/prebuilts/checkstyle' source_fetcher-1__7 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,464 - INFO - 140152651355904 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/prebuilts/checkstyle. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,940 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/external/dokka, external/dokka. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,955 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/external/dokka' u'' source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,970 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,105 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,125 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmp1pQaS9 remote.googleplex-android.url= remote.googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-android/* remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-googleplex-android/**:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,146 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,381 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,405 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,671 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,710 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git' source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,725 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7623b47835aa703c45567dd443c96178a66e2c5e^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,971 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,053 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 7623b47835aa703c45567dd443c96178a66e2c5e^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git return code 0. 7623b47835aa703c45567dd443c96178a66e2c5e source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,103 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/dokka' source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,173 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/external/dokka] path=external/dokka, revision=master, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,209 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/dokka'. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,241 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,557 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,585 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,618 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7623b47835aa703c45567dd443c96178a66e2c5e'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/dokka. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,901 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,950 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 7623b47835aa703c45567dd443c96178a66e2c5e'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/dokka return code 0. HEAD is now at 7623b478 Adding newline after warning "No file found when processing Java @sample" am: 7651517b13 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,007 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/dokka. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,291 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,327 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/dokka return code 0. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,352 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,479 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,523 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/external/dokka.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,558 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/external/dokka' source_fetcher-1__8 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,584 - INFO - 140152089339648 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/external/dokka. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,957 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 736 - Start syncing project platform/frameworks/support, frameworks/support. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,961 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 836 - _InitGitDir u'platform/frameworks/support' u'' source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:57,987 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,101 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,122 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config -l'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git return code 0. SharedAccount color.ui=auto merge.conflictstyle=diff3 url. url. url. url. google.ldapgroup=eng google.ldapgroup=android-team google.ldapgroup=android-build-tools google.ldapgroup=android-access google.ldapgroup=android-gsearch google.ldapgroup=android-build-role-write google.gitsecretshook=false core.deltabasecachelimit=2G http.cookiefile=/home/android-build/.gitcookies protocol.version=2 core.repositoryformatversion=0 core.filemode=true core.bare=true remote.origin.url=/buildbot/tmp/tmp7DSCKy remote.googleplex-android.url= remote.googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/googleplex-android/* remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-googleplex-android/* remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-googleplex-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-googleplex-android/**:refs/remotes/android/* remote.us1-mirror-android.url= remote.us1-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us1-mirror-android/* remote.us2-mirror-android.url= remote.us2-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us2-mirror-android/* remote.us3-mirror-android.url= remote.us3-mirror-android.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/us3-mirror-android/* core.longpaths=true source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,138 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,360 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,373 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c remote -v'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,611 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,657 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 871 - Fetching u'/buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git' source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,705 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 272e20ee033437d86cd3350997d29d056d814f93^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:58,946 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,001 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c rev-parse --verify 272e20ee033437d86cd3350997d29d056d814f93^{commit}'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git return code 0. 272e20ee033437d86cd3350997d29d056d814f93 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,059 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 929 - Checking out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/frameworks/support' source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,114 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 949 - _InitSrcDir ManifestProject[platform/frameworks/support] path=frameworks/support, revision=androidx-master-dev, groups=frozenset(['all', 'pdk-cw-fs', 'pdk-fs']), remote=aosp source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,182 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 970 - Initialized u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/frameworks/support'. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,212 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,465 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,505 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare false'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,540 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 272e20ee033437d86cd3350997d29d056d814f93'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/frameworks/support. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,877 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,922 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', u'git -c core.longpaths=true -c checkout -f 272e20ee033437d86cd3350997d29d056d814f93'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/frameworks/support return code 0. Previous HEAD position was bc3040fd0cf Merge "heifwriter: make sure shutdown doesn't hang or crash" into androidx-master-dev HEAD is now at 272e20ee033 Merge "Support convert list of Gift with @AppSearchDocument(1c) in the annotation processor." into androidx-master-dev source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:29:59,980 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/frameworks/support. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,502 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,531 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c clean -dxf'] from /buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/frameworks/support return code 0. Removing .gradle/ Removing appsearch/local-backend/.cxx/ Removing buildSrc/.gradle/ Removing Removing ui/.gradle/ Removing ui/ source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,568 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 654 - Executing: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,720 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 692 - Return Code: 0 source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,755 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 392 - Executed: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'git -c core.longpaths=true -c config core.bare true'] from /buildbot/git/platform/frameworks/support.git return code 0. source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,777 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 931 - Checked out u'/buildbot/src/android/androidx-master-dev/frameworks/support' source_fetcher-1__9 - 2020-09-19 03:30:00,790 - INFO - 140152684926720 - /buildbot/scripts/ line: 762 - Syncing done for platform/frameworks/support.