restartable skippable fun SmallTopAppBar( stable title: Function2 stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable navigationIcon: Function2? = @static ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt.lambda-1 stable actions: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3? = @static ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt.lambda-2 stable colors: TopAppBarColors? = @dynamic TopAppBarDefaults.smallTopAppBarColors((0L), (0L), (0L), (0L), (0L), $composer, 0b00110000000000000000, 0b00011111) stable scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? = @static null ) restartable skippable fun SmallCenteredTopAppBar( stable title: Function2 stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable navigationIcon: Function2? = @static ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt.lambda-3 stable actions: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3? = @static ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt.lambda-4 stable colors: TopAppBarColors? = @dynamic TopAppBarDefaults.smallCenteredTopAppBarColors((0L), (0L), (0L), (0L), (0L), $composer, 0b00110000000000000000, 0b00011111) stable scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? = @static null ) fun smallTopAppBarColors( stable containerColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmall.SmallContainerColor) stable scrolledContainerColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.applyTonalElevation(containerColor, TopAppBarSmall.SmallOnScrollContainerElevation) stable navigationIconColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmall.SmallLeadingIconColor) stable titleColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmall.SmallHeadlineColor) stable actionIconsColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmall.SmallTrailingIconColor) unused stable : TopAppBarDefaults ): TopAppBarColors fun smallCenteredTopAppBarColors( stable containerColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmallCentered.SmallCenteredContainerColor) stable scrolledContainerColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.applyTonalElevation(containerColor, TopAppBarSmall.SmallOnScrollContainerElevation) stable navigationIconColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmallCentered.SmallCenteredLeadingIconColor) stable titleColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmallCentered.SmallCenteredHeadlineColor) stable actionIconsColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(TopAppBarSmallCentered.SmallCenteredTrailingIconColor) unused stable : TopAppBarDefaults ): TopAppBarColors restartable skippable fun SingleRowTopAppBar( stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable title: Function2 stable titleTextStyle: TextStyle stable centeredTitle: Boolean stable navigationIcon: Function2 stable actions: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3 stable colors: TopAppBarColors stable scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior? ) restartable skippable fun TopAppBarLayout( stable heightPx: Float stable navigationIconColor: Color stable titleColor: Color stable actionIconsColor: Color stable title: Function2 stable titleTextStyle: TextStyle stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable titleAlpha: Float = @static 1.0f stable titleVerticalArrangement: Vertical? = @static Arrangement.Center stable titleHorizontalArrangement: Horizontal? = @static Arrangement.Start stable titleBottomPadding: Int = @static 0 stable navigationIcon: Function2? = @static ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt.lambda-5 stable actions: Function2? = @static ComposableSingletons$AppBarKt.lambda-6 ) fun containerColor( stable scrollFraction: Float stable : AnimatingTopAppBarColors ): State fun navigationIconColor( unused stable scrollFraction: Float stable : AnimatingTopAppBarColors ): State fun titleColor( unused stable scrollFraction: Float stable : AnimatingTopAppBarColors ): State fun actionIconColor( unused stable scrollFraction: Float stable : AnimatingTopAppBarColors ): State readonly fun contentColorFor( stable backgroundColor: Color ): Color restartable skippable fun Icon( stable imageVector: ImageVector stable contentDescription: String? stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable tint: Color = @dynamic LocalContentColor.current ) restartable fun Icon( unstable bitmap: ImageBitmap stable contentDescription: String? stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable tint: Color = @dynamic LocalContentColor.current ) restartable fun Icon( unstable painter: Painter stable contentDescription: String? stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable tint: Color = @dynamic LocalContentColor.current ) restartable skippable fun IconButton( stable onClick: Function0 stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable enabled: Boolean = @static true stable interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = @static remember({ val tmp0_return = MutableInteractionSource ( ) tmp0_return } , $composer, 0) stable content: Function2 ) restartable skippable fun IconToggleButton( stable checked: Boolean stable onCheckedChange: Function1 stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable enabled: Boolean = @static true stable interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = @static remember({ val tmp0_return = MutableInteractionSource ( ) tmp0_return } , $composer, 0) stable content: Function2 ) restartable skippable fun MaterialTheme( stable colorScheme: ColorScheme? = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme stable typography: Typography? = @dynamic MaterialTheme.typography stable content: Function2 ) readonly fun ( unused stable : MaterialTheme ): ColorScheme readonly fun ( unused stable : MaterialTheme ): Typography fun defaultColor( unused stable : MaterialRippleTheme ): Color fun rippleAlpha( unused stable : MaterialRippleTheme ): RippleAlpha restartable skippable fun Scaffold( stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable topBar: Function2? = @static ComposableSingletons$ScaffoldKt.lambda-1 stable bottomBar: Function2? = @static ComposableSingletons$ScaffoldKt.lambda-2 stable floatingActionButton: Function2? = @static ComposableSingletons$ScaffoldKt.lambda-3 stable floatingActionButtonPosition: FabPosition = @static Companion.End stable containerColor: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background stable contentColor: Color = @dynamic contentColorFor(containerColor, $composer, 0b1110 and $dirty shr 0b1111) stable content: Function3 ) restartable skippable fun ScaffoldLayout( stable fabPosition: FabPosition stable topBar: Function2 stable content: Function3 stable fab: Function2 stable bottomBar: Function2 ) restartable skippable fun Surface( stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable shape: Shape? = @static RectangleShape stable color: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface stable contentColor: Color = @dynamic contentColorFor(color, $composer, 0b1110 and $dirty shr 0b0110) stable tonalElevation: Dp = @static 0.dp stable border: BorderStroke? = @static null stable content: Function2 ) restartable skippable fun Surface( stable onClick: Function0 stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable shape: Shape? = @static RectangleShape stable color: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface stable contentColor: Color = @dynamic contentColorFor(color, $composer, 0b1110 and $dirty shr 0b1001) stable tonalElevation: Dp = @static 0.dp stable border: BorderStroke? = @static null stable interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = @static remember({ val tmp0_return = MutableInteractionSource ( ) tmp0_return } , $composer, 0) stable indication: Indication? = @dynamic LocalIndication.current stable enabled: Boolean = @static true stable onClickLabel: String? = @static null stable role: Role? = @static null stable content: Function2 ) restartable skippable fun Surface( stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable shape: Shape? = @static RectangleShape stable border: BorderStroke? = @static null stable color: Color = @dynamic MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary stable contentColor: Color = @dynamic contentColorFor(color, $composer, 0b1110 and $dirty shr 0b1001) stable tonalElevation: Dp = @static 0.dp stable clickAndSemanticsModifier: Modifier stable content: Function2 ) restartable skippable fun Text( stable text: String stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable color: Color = @static Companion.Unspecified stable fontSize: TextUnit = @static Companion.Unspecified stable fontStyle: FontStyle? = @static null stable fontWeight: FontWeight? = @static null stable fontFamily: FontFamily? = @static null stable letterSpacing: TextUnit = @static Companion.Unspecified stable textDecoration: TextDecoration? = @static null stable textAlign: TextAlign? = @static null stable lineHeight: TextUnit = @static Companion.Unspecified stable overflow: TextOverflow = @static Companion.Clip stable softWrap: Boolean = @static true stable maxLines: Int = @static Companion.MAX_VALUE stable onTextLayout: Function1? = @static { it: TextLayoutResult -> } stable style: TextStyle? = @dynamic LocalTextStyle.current ) restartable skippable fun Text( stable text: AnnotatedString stable modifier: Modifier? = @static Companion stable color: Color = @static Companion.Unspecified stable fontSize: TextUnit = @static Companion.Unspecified stable fontStyle: FontStyle? = @static null stable fontWeight: FontWeight? = @static null stable fontFamily: FontFamily? = @static null stable letterSpacing: TextUnit = @static Companion.Unspecified stable textDecoration: TextDecoration? = @static null stable textAlign: TextAlign? = @static null stable lineHeight: TextUnit = @static Companion.Unspecified stable overflow: TextOverflow = @static Companion.Clip stable softWrap: Boolean = @static true stable maxLines: Int = @static Companion.MAX_VALUE unstable inlineContent: Map? = @dynamic mapOf() stable onTextLayout: Function1? = @static { it: TextLayoutResult -> } stable style: TextStyle? = @dynamic LocalTextStyle.current ) restartable skippable fun ProvideTextStyle( stable value: TextStyle stable content: Function2 )