{ "changes": [ { "host": "android", "project": "platform/frameworks/support", "creationTime": "1663793459000", "lastModificationTime": "1663793459000", "latestRevision": "a9b05b3c01f8a9888483fea1e901e21d52a5c33d", "revisions": [ { "gitRevision": "a9b05b3c01f8a9888483fea1e901e21d52a5c33d", "commit": { "author": { "name": "Treehugger Robot", "email": "treehugger-gerrit@google.com" }, "committer": { "name": "Gerrit Code Review", "email": "noreply-gerritcodereview@google.com" }, "subject": "Merge \"Make lazy list sticky header to not affect placement animations\" into and", "commitMessage": "Merge \"Make lazy list sticky header to not affect placement animations\" into androidx-main" } } ], "projectPath": "frameworks/support" }, { "host": "android", "project": "platform/frameworks/support", "branch": "androidx-main", "changeNumber": "2223899", "patchset": 2, "status": "merged", "creationTime": "1663778961000", "lastModificationTime": "1663793458000", "latestRevision": "be6354d64d3013292bc9cc5ab65d7bacd6e76c3f", "revisions": [ { "gitRevision": "be6354d64d3013292bc9cc5ab65d7bacd6e76c3f", "patchSet": 2, "fetchs": [ { "method": "repo", "url": "platform/frameworks/support", "ref": "refs/changes/99/2223899/2" }, { "method": "http", "url": "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support", "ref": "refs/changes/99/2223899/2" } ], "commit": { "parents": [ { "commitId": "d6051f8afd6ee1e3978a894d2dffc7b69dd27498", "subject": "Merge changes from topic \"wasisaw-245124671\" into androidx-main" } ], "author": { "name": "Andrey Kulikov", "email": "andreykulikov@google.com" }, "committer": { "name": "Andrey Kulikov", "email": "andreykulikov@google.com" }, "subject": "Make lazy list sticky header to not affect placement animations", "commitMessage": "Make lazy list sticky header to not affect placement animations\n\nIt was affecting the offset calculations as the header was considered as a \"first visible item\", which is not really consistent with how not headers work. Instead we will just apply the placement animations before adding a sticky header.\n\nFixes: 239589374\nTest: new test in LazyListAnimateItemPlacementTest\nChange-Id: I3544e6c403aa6fc9e64633171628fc87d961ebd8\n", "bugIds": [ "239589374" ] }, "creationTime": "1663778998000", "ref": "refs/changes/99/2223899/2", "uploader": { "name": "Andrey Kulikov", "email": "andreykulikov@google.com", "accountId": "1361834" } } ], "owner": { "name": "Andrey Kulikov", "email": "andreykulikov@google.com" }, "changeId": "I3544e6c403aa6fc9e64633171628fc87d961ebd8", "submittedTime": "1663793458000", "projectPath": "frameworks/support" } ] }